感谢您访问我们的网站并阅读本在线隐私声明. 这 隐私 Statement explains what we do with data collected as a result of your 访问 进入本网站. 它还描述了一些适用于个人的州和联邦法律 identifiable information that you might provide in the course of navigating this site.
感谢您访问我们的网站并阅读本在线隐私声明. 这 隐私 Statement explains what we do with data collected as a result of your 访问 进入本网站. 它还描述了一些适用于个人的州和联邦法律 identifiable information that you might provide in the course of navigating this site.
When you browse this website, we may gather and store certain information about your
访问. 我们会自动收集和存储以下有关您访问的信息:
1. 您访问我们网站时使用的互联网域名和网络地址;
2. 您使用的网络浏览器和操作系统的类型;
3. 您到访的日期和时间;
4. 您在本网站访问的页面;
5. 的 last website you 访问ed before coming to ours; and
6. 其他网络流量统计,如谷歌分析或Piwik分析.
的 information we automatically collect is saved and used by the College to improve
the content of our web 服务 and to help us understand how people are using our
If during your 访问 to our website you participate in a survey, send us an email,
or perform some other trans行动 online, the following additional information may
1. 您的电子邮件地址和邮件内容.
2. 自愿提供的信息是对一项调查的回应.
3. 通过在线表格自愿提供的信息用于任何其他目的.
的 information collected is not limited to text characters and may include audio,
您发送给我们的视频和图形信息格式. 我们通常不会要求或
电子邮件s you send to us may be used to respond to issues and to further improve our
服务. 我们可能会将您的电子邮件转发给其他代理机构或供应商
发布的记录保留时间表 国家档案 require us to keep this information only so long as it is useful, and then destroy
it; these schedules change from time to time.
To better serve our users, we use a variety of indicators to customize your browsing 使用本网站的经验,包括“cookies”.如果您使用浏览器设置 to opt to block all cookies in the settings to your web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome or Firefox), (including essential cookies) this could affect 本网站的可用性和功能. 我们只能控制指标 we provide and not over third party tools or other technologies deployed on this website 这可以通过使用嵌入式第三方应用程序来创建.
Personally identifiable information (“PII”) means information about a natural person
这对于特定的个体来说是很容易识别的. 个人信息包括
We will not collect PII about you unless you voluntarily provide it to us by sending
我们的电子邮件,或完成在线表格或调查. 你可以选择不网赌正规真人实体在线平台
通过电子邮件或使用在线表格或调查提供任何PII. 你选择不去
participate in these activities will not restrict or impair your ability to use our
浏览和阅读或下载网站上提供的任何信息. 如果您选择提供
PII by emailing us, participating in a survey, or completing an online form, we may
的 儿童在线隐私保护法案(COPPA) 管理从13岁以下儿童那里收集的或关于13岁以下儿童的在线信息.
We are especially concerned about protecting children's privacy and do not knowingly
collect personal information from children or minors as defined by COPPA on our website.
Under COPPA, parental consent is required to collect, use or disclose personally identifiable
If you have questions about how we use your personally identifiable information, you
can 联系 the College as shown in the 联系信息 section of this statement.
网赌正规真人实体在线平台 is an agency of the State of Washington, therefore, our records
受联邦和州法律管辖,包括但不限于 1974年《网赌正规真人实体在线平台》(FERPA); 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR第99部分; and 华盛顿公共记录法案(RCW 42).56). Information you send to us may become a public record, and may be subject to public
inspection and copying if not otherwise protected from disclosure by federal or state
法律. 有关公共记录的更多信息,请参阅查阅公共记录.
In the event of a conflict between this On-line 隐私 Statement and the Public Records
Act or other 法律 governing the College’s disclosure of records, the Public Records
You may have additional rights under applicable 法律s to request access to, erasure,
更正或转移您的资料. 例如,州法律要求机构
collect personally identifiable information to provide “procedures for correcting
inaccurate information, including establishing mechanisms for individuals to review
information about them and recommend changes in information they believe to be inaccurate.”
(RCW 43.105.365).
的 European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) provides certain
rights to persons who were/are residing in the European Union when their data were/are
To the extent allowed by 法律, you may also withdraw consent you have given to certain
数据处理,不受惩罚. 您的退出不会影响…的合法性
You can access any personally identifiable information we collect about you by using
本页的“联系信息”部分中的信息. 我们会尽力的
我们需要一份明确显示错误的书面请求. 我们将采取合理的措施
的 College has taken steps to safeguard the integrity of its data and prevent unauthorized 获取由我们维护的信息. 这些措施旨在 prevent corruption of data, block unknown or unauthorized access to our systems and information, and to provide reasonable protection of information in our possession.
的 State of Washington, 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, its officers, and employees neither
warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by this
system, nor endorse any content, viewpoints, products, or 服务 linked from this
system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy,
这些信息的可靠性或及时性. 这些信息的一部分可能是
不正确或不当前. 依赖所获得的任何信息的任何个人或实体
我们的网站包含到其他网站的链接. 这些包括链接到运营的网站
by other government agencies, nonprofit organizations and private businesses, including
但不限于我们供应商的网站. 当你跟随一个链接到另一个
site, you are no longer on our website and this On-line 隐私 Statement will not
Reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or 服务,
or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience
the State of Washington, 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, or its officers, employees or agents.
We reserve the right to revise and update this Online 隐私 Statement at any time
A 网络地址 is assigned to your computer or mobile device whenever you are using the Internet.
饼干 小数据文件是否存储在您的硬盘驱动器或设备内存中
访问网站. cookie和类似的技术被网站广泛用于制作
them work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the website operator
关于用户如何使用他们的网站. 大多数浏览器允许您阻止cookie
about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and
删除它们,请参考您的浏览器“帮助”部分,访问 联邦贸易委员会在其网站上的解释,或 华盛顿州隐私资源网站.
If you have questions about how we use your personally identifiable information, you
can 联系 the College by using the information in the Contact section at the bottom